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Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloon treatment is a popular non-surgical method for treating obesity , serving as an alternative for patients who are not suitable for or prefer not to undergo obesity surgery. A gastric balloon, typically made of silicone or polyurethane, is placed in the stomach while deflated and then filled with sterile fluid, effectively occupying space in the stomach as a method of obesity treatment.This procedure does not require surgical intervention, although certain gastric balloons may be placed and removed under anesthesia via endoscopy.

The duration a gastric balloon remains in the stomach depends on the type, ranging from 4 to 12 months. During this period, the gastric balloon aids individuals in adhering to their diets by creating a sense of fullness and delaying hunger. People's eating habits change, and they maintain their ideal weight even after the balloon is removed.

Gastric balloon treatment is a prominent choice in the management of excessive weight and obesity. Being a reversible procedure that can be repeated offers advantages in obesity treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Balloon

How Is Gastric Balloon Placed?

Before the gastric balloon procedure, the balloon is flexible and not inflated. It is inserted into the stomach through the mouth or, in some cases, through the esophagus. Mild sedation is used to ensure the patient’s comfort during placement. If an endoscopy is necessary, an expert anesthetist will be present to perform it. Prior to placing the deflated balloon in the stomach, an endoscopy is conducted to ensure its suitability.

At least 6 hours should pass with no food intake before the balloon placement. Once the balloon is positioned in the stomach, it is filled with approximately 400-600 ml of isotonic sterile saline solution, making it roughly the size of a grapefruit. A normal stomach typically has a volume of 1-1.5 liters. However, the degree of inflation is determined by the doctor based on specific criteria.

The saline solution filled into the balloon is dyed blue with methylene blue. This way, if there is a leak or a hole in the balloon, your urine will turn blue, signaling the need for immediate removal of the balloon. This procedure is performed via endoscopy. The gastric balloon procedure takes about 20 minutes.

Gastric Balloon Operation Aftercare

After having a gastric balloon, it is essential to develop healthy eating habits and a balanced nutrition plan for your weight loss journey. Following the operation, you should embrace a well-rounded dietary plan, especially focusing on foods rich in protein, and maintain this habit. Additionally, avoid long gaps between meals and slow down your eating pace. Chewing food thoroughly and eating slowly is beneficial during this process. Remember not to consume liquids alongside your meals; liquids should be consumed 30 minutes before or after meals.

If you find it challenging to digest certain solid foods, consider giving them up for a while and allow time for your stomach to adapt. When cooking, opt for methods with less fat, like steaming, boiling, grilling, or baking. Stay away from overly spicy and salty foods. Avoid sugary, carbonated, and fizzy drinks (cola, soda, etc.), and choose caffeine-free, sugar-free, and low-calorie beverages.

Ensure that every meal includes a good source of protein, and view fruits as a last resort. Avoid alcohol consumption, and pay attention to your daily water intake, aiming for about 1-1.5 liters. These dietary habits will support your healthy weight loss journey with a gastric balloon.

Swallowable Gastric Baloon vs. Endoscopic Gastric Baloon : Which Is Better?

Both balloons essentially serve the same purpose: they create a feeling of fullness by occupying space in the stomach, reducing the amount of food consumed, and assisting with weight loss. Endoscopic gastric balloons are placed and removed under anesthesia. In contrast, a swallowable gastric balloon is inserted in the form of a capsule that is ingested with water. This offers an advantage for patients who prefer not to have anesthesia, allowing them to observe the procedure with full consciousness.

The placement of a swallowable balloon is a simpler process, and the patient is awake during the procedure, allowing them to observe it. In contrast, endoscopic balloons involve an initial endoscopy of the stomach, enabling early detection of potential stomach issues. Hence, endoscopic balloons may be considered safer for patients with stomach problems.

A swallowable gastric balloon continuously monitors a patient’s weight and health condition through a tracking system, allowing for quicker adjustments to dietary changes or dietitian support. On the other hand, endoscopic balloons require the patient to self-monitor and report to the dietitian.

While the application of a swallowable gastric balloon is generally slightly more expensive, it eliminates the need to revisit the clinic for removal, increasing patient convenience.The weight loss achieved with both types of balloons depends on personal effort and motivation. Adherence to dietary rules and lifestyle changes are significant factors influencing the results.

How Long Does Gastric Balloon Surgery Take?

Gastric balloon surgery typically takes about 20 to 30 minutes in total.

What Should Your Weight Should Be to Get a Gastric Balloon?

Gastric balloon applications consider the body mass index (BMI) rather than body weight. BMI is a measurement based on a person’s weight relative to their height, and individuals with a BMI of 25 or higher are eligible for gastric balloon placement.

How Much Weight Can I Lose With Gastric Baloon?

It is important to understand that the gastric balloon is a tool to help weight loss and is most effective when combined with a diet program delivered by your doctor. The amount of weight loss to be expected is specific to each patient.In general, most people achieve 15-20% loss of their total weight.

Can a Gastric Balloon Burst?

Gastric balloons are made of materials that can withstand stomach fluids and pressure. The gastric balloons we use comply with the highest quality standards and possess all necessary certifications. The risk of a balloon bursting is exceedingly low. However, to check for the possibility of leakage, endoscopic balloons are tested by filling them with methylene blue liquid. This way, if there is a leak, your urine will turn blue, alerting you to the need for immediate removal of the balloon.