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Stomach Botox

Stomach Botox is a non-surgical method for weight reduction. It involves the injection of botulinum toxin into specific stomach areas using an endoscopic procedure. This process, which doesn't require incisions, aims for a weight loss of approximately 15% to 20%. After this procedure, hunger hormone levels, particularly ghrelin, decrease, leading to delayed hunger and reduced food intake. Additionally, stomach acidity decreases, and gastric emptying is delayed. This delay in gastric emptying helps balance out the rapid spikes and drops in blood sugar after meals and helps individuals maintain more stable blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Frequently Asked Questions About Stomach Botox

How Is Stomach Botox Applied?

Stomach Botox is a painless procedure performed through the mouth with the assistance of an endoscope. It doesn’t require general anesthesia, and it is not a surgical operation like other obesity treatments. This makes the procedure entirely safe and low-risk. The amount of Botox administered may vary based on the individual’s health condition. The stomach Botox procedure typically takes about 15 minutes and does not cause any pain.

Since this procedure doesn’t require surgical intervention, there are no incisions made in the body. It is administered through the mouth, and after the procedure, the patient is monitored for a few hours and then discharged.

When Do the Effects of Stomach Botox Become Apparent?

Individuals who undergo stomach Botox usually start noticing its effects immediately after the procedure and within the following 2 to 3 days. About 2 to 3 days after the procedure, there is a reduction in feelings of hunger, and individuals start feeling hungry less often. This change typically begins to translate into weight loss around 2 weeks after the procedure and can continue for about 4 to 6 months. It’s important to note that the effects of the Botox applied to the stomach are temporary and do not leave any permanent damage. Furthermore, stomach Botox and other Botox procedures administered in various parts of the body do not have any significant side effects.

Who Can Have Stomach Botox?

Do not meet the conditions for obesity surgery.
Prefer not to undergo surgical procedures.
Are unable to undergo surgery due to certain medical conditions.
Are not pregnant or breastfeeding.
Have a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 40.

What to Consider After Stomach Botox?

It is important to pay attention to your diet after stomach Botox to ensure the success of the operation and prevent weight regain. During the recovery period, it’s essential to avoid fast food, overly fatty foods, and high-carb foods. Adequate fluid intake and the consumption of vegetables are especially important during this time. High-acid beverages such as carbonated drinks, mineral water, and fruit juices should be limited. Additionally, alcohol and smoking should be avoided as these habits can reduce the effectiveness of stomach Botox.

Following the diet plan recommended by your doctor is crucial for the success of the operation.

Is There an Age Limit for Stomach Botox?

Stomach Botox is generally available for those between 16 and 65 years old.

How Long Does Stomach Botox Operation Take ?

The procedure typically lasts 15 to 30 minutes, and patients are observed for 1-2 hours afterward.

Can Stomach Botox Be Repeated?

If weight loss is not achieved, stomach Botox can be repeated every 6 months. It has been shown that the second application of Botox, especially after 6 months, is more effective.