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Hair Transplant

Hair transplant surgery is a medical procedure that used to treat hair loss or baldness. It involves taking hair follicles from a donor area which typically located at the back or sides of the head and transplanting them into the bald or thinning areas of the scalp which is known as the recipient site. This procedure can also be used for eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, pubic hair and to fill in scars resulting from accidents or surgeries. The goal is to achieve natural-looking hair growth in the areas that have lost hair.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplantation

How Is a Hair Transplant Done?

Hair transplantation is a medical procedure that helps with hair loss, where hair follicles resistant to genetic hair loss (typically from the back of the head) are harvested in groups called grafts and transplanted into the scalp. These grafts are typically obtained under local anesthesia or sedation . The number of grafts can differentiate from person to person but generally falls between 4,000 to 5,000 grafts, which are then transplanted into the bald areas.

In contemporary hair transplant procedures, hair naturally grows in groups of 1 to 4 hairs, and these natural clusters, referred to as “follicular units,” are strategically transplanted to mimic the original hair orientation. This technique is known as “Follicular Unit Transplantation” (FUT) . Donor hair can be harvested through two distinct methods: strip harvesting ( FUT) and “Follicular Unit Extraction” (FUE).

Before the surgery, the patient’s scalp is evaluated and their preferences and expectations are discussed. The appropriate procedure type is determined during this stage. To accurately assess hair density for postoperative evaluation, methods like “trichoscopy” may be used before the surgery. Some patients may use minoxidil to prepare and nourish hair follicles in the preoperative period.

Patients should avoid certain medications before the surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding. Also, alcohol and smoking can harm the transplanted hair, so it’s best to avoid these habits. After the surgery, antibiotics are often given to prevent infections in the wounds or grafts.

Who Cannot Have Hair Transplants?

Hair transplantation is not recommended for individuals with the following conditions:
Cancer patients
Individuals with bloodborne diseases
Those with acute anemia
Acute kidney failure
Liver failure
Advanced diabetes
Advanced heart disease
Individuals with blood clotting disorders
Individuals with weak hair density in the donor area
Those with skin diseases in the recipient area

Hair Transplantation Techniques

There are two different hair extraction techniques used during hair transplantation: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

The reason for the division of methods lies in the difference in the extraction of donor grafts. In the FUT technique, a strip of hair follicles is taken from between the two ears, leaving behind a permanent linear scar. In the FUE technique, hair follicles harvested from the back of the head are applied to the recipient area which leaves no visible scar.

What Is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) - Strip Harvesting?

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), also known as strip harvesting, is a successful method used to extract hair and follicles from the donor area. The speacialty of this technique is the removal of a large number of hair follicles in a strip at once. FUT technique,often regarded as a conventional hair transplant method, involves using the skin layer located between the ears and the back of the head as the donor area.A scalpel with one, two, or three blades is used to remove strips of tissue carrying hair from the donor area. Then, the follicular unit grafts are carefully separated one by one. During this stage, extra fibrous and fatty tissue is meticulously cleaned to avoid damaging the follicular cells. This process is performed with using binocular stereo microscopes. After the hair follicles are harvested, they are transplanted to the recipient area by experts. Once the procedure is complete, the incised area is sutured. This suturing process is called “trichophytic closure” and it minimizes the formation of fine scars in the donor area. Subsequently, the surgeon uses very small micro-blades or fine needles to place the hair grafts in the desired density and pattern in the bald areas. This achieves natural and aesthetic results. The advantage of this method is the ability to perform a faster hair transplant due to the collective extraction of hair follicles. However, the recovery period is longer (approximately 2 weeks) and there is a possibility of scarring. Therefore, the FUT method is not as popular as it used to be, given the increased alternatives in hair transplantation techniques.

What Is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)?

Follicular Unit Extraction, abbreviated as FUE, is one of the hair transplantation techniques. In this method, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area, usually the back of the head, under local anesthesia. The extraction is typically done using small punches with diameters ranging from 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm, and each extraction process includes follicular units containing 1 to 4 hair follicles. Subsequently, the surgeon uses very small micro-blades or fine needles to place the hair grafts in the recipient area at the desired density and angle.

The duration of the FUE technique varies depending on the number of hair follicles that need to be transplanted because each hair follicle is individually placed. While this method may extend the procedure time, it results in very small and almost invisible punctate scars after surgery due to the individual extraction of each hair follicle. This accelerates the healing process and reduces discomfort. Since there is no need for sutures to be removed, the recovery period is typically less than 7 days.

In the FUE method, the follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area using micro-motors. As for hair transplantation methods, options such as Sapphire, DHI, and Shaven Hair Transplantation can be utilized.

What Is Sapphire Hair Transplant?

Sapphire hair transplant is an advanced application of the FUE hair transplant technique. It uses sapphire tips during the channel opening phase of the hair transplant procedure.

In Sapphire FUE hair transplant, hair follicles are harvested using the FUE method but the channels are opened using sapphire gemstone tips. Sapphire tips create much smaller, smoother and denser microchannels compared to steel. This minimizes tissue damage, promotes rapid healing and leaves no visible scars.

Sapphire FUE hair transplant allows for the placement of hair follicles at a natural angle, resulting in a very natural appearance. Those experiencing hair loss can achieve hair that is virtually indistinguishable from their own. Additionally, this technique allows for more densely packed hair follicles which leads to a fuller result.

This innovative method delivers more favorable results in terms of aesthetics and health and enhances patient satisfaction. It can also be combined with other techniques such as sedation during the procedure or performing the transplant without shaving the recipient area.

What Is DHI Hair Transplant?

Direct Hair Transplant (DHI) is a method of hair transplantation and it is one of the newest techniques in the field. The DHI method is used in conjunction with the FUE technique. In the FUE method, individual hair follicles are extracted one by one and in the DHI method, they are implanted. The difference lies in the simultaneous channel opening and hair transplantation using a specialized pen. This shortens the procedure duration and increases the chances of success. Additionally, this method allows for dense hair transplantations. It can be used not only in areas with complete hair loss but also to increase hair density. However, for individuals with complete hair loss, if there are not enough hair follicles in the donor area, very dense hair transplants may not be achievable.

What Is Unshaven Hair Transplant?

Unshaven hair transplant is a hair restoration method that does not require patients to completely shave their heads. Patients who do not wish to shave their heads entirely or need to maintain a specific appearance, especially in professions where a shaved head is not desirable, opt for this method. Donor hair is extracted as individual hair follicles from the donor area using the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique. After the hair follicles are harvested, they are transplanted into the recipient area and meticulously arranged to create a natural hairline and density.

Hair Transplant Aftercare

After a hair transplant, it can take 12-18 months for the transplanted hair to fully adapt and grow. The first 3 months are particularly crucial, during which you may not see significant results and the transplanted hair may even fall out. You should be patient during this period.

Successful post-transplant care is just as important as the transplant procedure itself. It is recommended to reduce smoking, use natural products, avoid shampoos with chemicals, and use hair loss treatments, vitamins, and nourishing hair care products to strengthen and promote hair growth. Postoperative self-care is crucial for achieving the best results.

Hair Transplant Health Risks:

There are no long-term health risks associated with hair transplants. The procedure is generally considered safe.

What Causes Hair Loss?

One of the most common causes of hair loss is genetic factors, but aging, traumatic injuries, or various medical conditions can also lead to hair loss. After being diagnosed by a doctor, hair transplantation can be successfully performed for anyone with an adequate amount of hair follicles.

How Long Do Transplanted Hairs Last?

Transplanted hairs are typically permanent. They retain the genetic resistance to hair loss from the donor area, so they should last a lifetime.

Do Transplanted Hairs Require Special Care?

No, transplanted hairs are your natural hair and do not require any special care. You can cut, style, dye, and clean them as you would with your original hair.

When Do Hairs Start Growing After a Hair Transplant?

New hairs usually start growing about 3 months after a hair transplant and continue to grow longer and they look more natural over time.

When Can I Swim in the Sea, and When Can I Dye My Hair After a Hair Transplant?

It is advisable to wait for about 1.5 months before swimming in the sea or pool. You should avoid dying your hair for 4-5 months.

Is Hair Transplantation Done Under General Anesthesia?

No, hair transplants are typically performed under local anesthesia.

Can You Travel by Plane After Hair Transplantation? When Can You Wash Your Hair After Hair Transplantation?

You can resume your daily activities the day after the procedure and you can travel by plane. You can wash your hair after three days of the procedure.

What Will the Shape of the Transplanted Hair Be Like?

The shape and structure of the hair vary depending on the structure of the hair follicles. If the hair follicles are curly, the hair will grow curly. If the hair follicles are straight, the hair will grow straight.

Can You Cut Your Hair After The Hair Transplantation?

Hair can be trimmed with scissors approximately two months after a hair transplant operation. However, It is not recommended to use razor because there may be some acne on the scalp after the surgery. If a barber is going to do your haircut, you should inform them beforehand about the hair transplant.

How Long Should Antibiotics Be Used After Hair Transplant?

Antibiotics are generally prescribed after the surgery to prevent wound or graft infections. It is usually recommended to use antibiotics for 5 days.

Can Transplanted Hairs Fall Out After Hair Transplant?

After a successfully performed operation, transplanted hairs are permanent and lifelong. There may be some shedding of the transplanted hairs after the procedure, but this is normal as it is part of the adaptation process of your scalp.

When Can I Start Using Hair Care Products After Hair Transplant and What Should I Be Careful About?

After hair transplant, you can blow-dry and dye your hair starting from the 4th month. However, you should wait for 6 months before shaving with a machine or razor. Similarly, it’s advisable to wait for 6 months before using products like gel, hair spray, or balm, but make sure not to apply these products directly to your scalp, only on your hair. It’s also important to cleanse your hair from any applied products before going to bed.

Does Transplanted Hair Turn Grey?

Transplanted hairs will continue to carry the genetics of the donor area. If you have a lack of pigmentation in your hair, the transplanted hairs will turn grey just like your natural hair. In other words, you will not have a situation where some of your hair is grey, while some of it is black.

Is There an Age Limit for Hair Transplant Surgery?

There is no specific age limit for hair transplantation. Hair loss in men usually begins in their 20s but in some people, it may occur later.