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Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Surgery, also known as Stomach Reduction Surgery, is a medical procedure that reshapes the stomach into a tube-like structure. While most organs in our digestive system resemble long tubes, the stomach is typically more pouch-like, allowing it to store more food. This surgery significantly reduces the stomach's size and forms a tube-like structure connected to the esophagus and intestines.

But what's fascinating about this procedure is that it doesn't just reduce the stomach's size. The reshaped stomach also has a profound impact on hunger hormones, making you feel less hungry. In essence, gastric sleeve surgery brings about both physical and hormonal changes, often resulting in substantial weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Sleeve

How Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed under general anesthesia. This surgery is almost always done laparoscopically, meaning it is minimally invasive. The surgeon may make a single incision or use 4-5 small incisions, depending on their and the patient’s preferences. These incisions are very small, so they do not pose an aesthetic issue in the future.

During the surgery, a calibration tube of the same diameter as the esophagus is placed at the entrance of the stomach to prevent excessive narrowing or blockage while reducing the stomach size. After ensuring blood flow and taking precautions against bleeding, the stomach is cut lengthwise using special cutting and sealing instruments. Once the surgery is completed, the calibration tube placed at the beginning of the procedure is removed. Various tests are conducted during and after the surgery to check for leaks.

Who Is Suitable for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is suitable for individuals who have been unable to lose excess weight through other means, struggle with excessive appetite, are unable to lose weight through exercise, suffer from type 2 diabetes, and experience various health issues due to their weight.

How Should One Eat After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

In the first two months following surgery, there’s a gradual shift to solid foods. The shift to solid foods depends on individual factors like weight and eating habits. To maintain muscle mass, protein supplements may be needed.

It’s important to choose low-calorie and sugar-free beverages while avoiding high-carb and high-fat drinks. Be mindful of calories and fat in liquid foods. Avoid drinking with meals as it can cause food to pass through the stomach quickly. When moving to solid foods, chew thoroughly and eat slowly. Start with soft, mashed foods.

After surgery, smaller food portions mean you may need vitamin and mineral supplements. A daily plan, with a focus on veggies, fruits, and foods you like, is prepared with the help of a dietitian.

Is There an Age Limit for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Usually, obesity surgery, such as gastric sleeve surgery, is not performed on individuals who have not completed their mental and personal development, meaning those under 18 years of age. However, in very rare cases, it can be performed on children who are supervised by a child psychiatrist, nutritionist, endocrinologist, and child development specialist for an extended period and who are unable to lose significant amounts of weight, suffer from severe obesity exceeding the limits, and experience serious metabolic problems due to their weight. These cases are extremely rare and require careful evaluation. As for the upper age limit, it is typically considered to be 65, but gastric sleeve surgery can be performed on older individuals based on factors such as their overall health, their ability to tolerate surgery, and their expected lifespan.

When Can a Person Return to Their Social Life After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

After surgery, the hospital stay is typically 2-3 days. Patients who have had a successful surgery and feel well can return to work approximately 5 days after the surgery. However, it is crucial to adhere to post-operative dietary guidelines during this period.

What Is the Suitable Weight Range for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

When evaluating the suitability of gastric sleeve surgery, calculations are made based on the body mass index (BMI) rather than the amount of excess weight. The BMI is calculated by dividing a person’s weight by the square of their height. Individuals with a BMI of 35 or higher and who suffer from health problems caused by obesity are suitable candidates for gastric sleeve surgery.

How Painful Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Pain sensitivity can vary among patients however, most of our patients report minimal pain several hours after surgery and take almost no pain medications on the following day.

How Long Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?

Gastric sleeve surgery typically takes between 30 and 90 minutes. The duration of the surgery can vary depending on the patient and the surgeon.